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Bixbite aitoustodistuksella

Bixbite aitoustodistuksella

$ 28.87
sis. 0 % ALV
Mallinumero: 700002
Tuotetunniste: 700002


Mukana kuvallinen Multicolour laboratatorion  aitous / laatutodistus 0e.

Alkuperä (todennäköinen) : USA

Paino ( ct noin ) : 0,2

Mitat ( mm noin ) : 1,6 x 1,6 x 1

Hionta : viistehiottu

Puhtaus : SI1

               Erinomainen         Erittäin hyvä         Hyvä            ”kakkosluokkaa”

Hionta                                     X

Loisto                                      X

Väri                                                                 X

Ominaista : kirkas pinkin punainen bixbite

Bixbite is the variety name for the red variety of beyl. It was named after the mineral collector Maynard Bixby. Gem quality material is very rare and the largest faceted gemstones are less than three carats in size.
Known Facts
Color Key:Pink, Red.
Refractive Index:1.577(+-.016), 1.583 (+-.017)
Chemical Composition:Be3Al2(SiO3)6
Crystal Group:Hexagonal
Ocurrence:Utah, U.S.A.
This very rare gemstone was mined only, at the Wah Wah Mountains deposit in Utah and this deposit is finished for now. The last operators had to totally restore the site when they passed on their option. Anyone wishing to go back and re-open the mine will spend millions just removing overburden. There may still be lots of red beryl in the ground but it hasn't proved economical to pull it out.
Bixbite is said to enhance one's physical energy and creativity, to help strengthen and heal the heart and lungs, and to help remedy various disorders of the digestive system. and to stimulate awareness. It is also said to give harmony and compatibility in relationships, and to help one overcome grief and depression. The astrological signs of


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