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Apatiitti  5,5mm

Apatiitti 5,5mm

$ 7.95
sis. 0 % ALV
Mallinumero: 330026
Tuotetunniste: 330026



Alkuperä (todennäköinen) : Madagasgar

Paino ( ct noin ) : 0,65

Mitat ( mm noin ) : 5,5 x 5,5 

Hionta : viistehiottu

Puhtaus : VS

                       Erinomainen       Erittäin hyvä           Hyvä       ”kakkosluokkaa”

Hionta                                             X

Loisto                                              X

Väri                        X

Ominaista : edullinen turkoosi värinen jalokivi

Näitä voi tilata parin tai useampiakin, ovat vakiokokoa

Apatite is very rarely encountered as a gem material but occurs in transparent form in blue, violet, purple , yellowish green and, bluish green colors. With a hardness of 5, apatite is not a very hard stone but it is still used in jewelry because of its attractive color. Apatite is also very heat sensitive and as a result, there are few lapidaries that can cut it at all.
Known Facts
Color Key:yellow, green, below, violet.
Refractive Index:1.63-1.64
Chemical Composition:Phosphate group
Crystal Group:Hexagonal
Ocurrence:Burma, Ceylon, Madagascar, Mexico. Canada, India
Apatite crystallizes in the hexagonal system as prismatic crystals or as compact masses.

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