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Smaragdin värinen quartz

Smaragdin värinen quartz

$ 20.50
sis. 0 % ALV
Mallinumero: 090096
Tuotetunniste: 090096



Alkuperä (todennäköinen) : 

Paino ( ct noin ) : 3

Mitat ( mm noin ) : 10 x 8 x 5,5

Hionta : viistehiottu

Puhtaus : SI1

                       Erinomainen       Erittäin hyvä           Hyvä       ”kakkosluokkaa”

Hionta                                                                              X

Loisto                                               X

Väri                                                  X

Ominaista : luonnollisen kvartsin väri käsitelty smaragdin vihreäksi

Quartz is the most abundant mineral in the earth’s continental crust. In jewelry, the quartz group is notable for the large variety of gemstones that can be offered at affordable prices. The quartz gems comprise several different groups including both crystalline varieties like citrine, amethyst, and rock crystal as well as the crypto-crystalline varieties like chalcedony, jasper, chrysoprase, and a host of other agates. The name quartz derives from the Greek word 'krustallos' meaning ice, because the Greeks believed that quartz was ice that never melted because it was formed by the gods. 

Known Facts
Refractive Index::1.544 - 1.553
Chemical Composition:SiO2
Crystal Group:Trigonal
Ocurrence:Every continent.
Quartz is formed in many different ways and occurs in many igneous and metamorphic rocks, particularly in granite and gneiss. It is also a common gauge mineral in mineral veins and most crystals are found in this type of occurrence. With a hardness of 7, quartz is tough enough to resist weathering and is commonly found in alluvial sands and gravels. 
Quartz is found throughout the world. The most abundant deposits of amethyst occur in Africa and Brazil. Madagascar, Brazil and Namibia are important sources for rock crystal. Chrysoprase occurs in Africa, Brazil and Australia. Jasper, chalcedony, and other agates are found on every continent.

hakusanoja: kvartsi,quartz,smaragdi,emerald

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