Burmalainen penakiitti
Mineraali : Penakiitti
Alkuperä : Burma
paino : 1,7ct
mitat ( noin ) : 8 x 7 x 4mm
soveltuvuus : keräilyyn ,tunnistukseen , koruun sellaisenaan ja uudelleen hiontaan
huomioitavaa : läpikuultava , väritön
hakusanoja : jalokivi,raakakivi,keräilykivi,kide,mineraali,kivilaatu,penakiitti,phenakite
Phenakite is one of the brightest of the colorless gemstones. With hardness of 7-5 - 8, it takes an excellent polish. It is exceptionally white and compared to other colorless gems, phenakite may be the whitest stone. It is a rare beryllium mineral that is not often used as a gemstone. Its name derives from the Greek word 'phenakos' meaning deceiver .. a name acquired because of its close similarity to quartz, especially rock crystal. Indeed, phenakite was initially thought to be a variety of quartz, but its crystal twinning is distinct. It has also been confused with diamond, sapphire, topaz and beryl. |
Known Facts | |
Color Key: | White |
Refractive Index:: | 1.651-1.696 |
Chemical Composition: | Be2SiO4 |
Hardness: | 7.5-8.0 |
Density: | 2.94--2.96 |
Crystal Group: | Hexagonal |
Ocurrence: | Russia, Madagascar, U.S.A., Brazil, France, Switzerland, Ceylon, E. Africa. |
Phenakite crystals are often rhombohedral and sometimes prismatic, showing wedge-shaped ends. Clear, hard specimens can be turned into valued gemstones that are notable for their brilliance and lack of color. Large clean stones are always sought by collectors and smaller stones seem to always be in demand for their metaphysical properties. Madagascar seems to be the most important source for this rare stone. |